Wednesday, December 2, 2015

OUGD601 / Context Of Practice / Chapter Plan

To What Extent Have Technologies Influenced The Publishing Of Counter Culture

The writing is going to discuss how the development of technology has effected the communication of counter culture. From the primitive first attempts of mass printing to the contemporary means of communication, the effect of these publishing methods upon mainstream culture and the subsequent counter culture is to be investigated. A discussion of counter culture must of course include a discussion of culture in each examples context. The embracing of technology to communicate ideologies and reactions against mainstream culture, which itself has been dictated by developments and effects of technology is to aid the investigation into the accumulation of factors that communicate counter culture and if, if fact, they can work. The discussion is to conclude with a hypothesis, a hypothesis to presume the best methods in which technology can be embraced to communicate counter culture.

Publishing and Technology

The first chapter is to create context for the rest of the essay to sit upon,
a timeline of print and subsequent mass communication amongst other results are to be discussed in order to compare them to the contemporary means of communicating counter culture. Starting with the earliest means of printing to discover how mass print developed culture and its effects upon communication through to today, in which technology has overtaken print as the most efficient method of communication. The effect and opportunities created from the democratization of information will lead into the manner in which Counter Culture and print link together.


Production / Distribution / Content / Effect / Example

Gutenberg Press

Media distribution

Democratization of media / information

Developments and subsequent effect of production methods

Chapbooks / Fanzines / Magazines

Rebellion / Counter Culture in print ( Posters, leaflets, Mags, Zines, Books )

Broadening of communities / subcultures online

Elitist – Democratic production of media

Subsequent link to Publishing and counter culture

Publishing and Counter Culture

Following discussion about the development of technology and its subsequent effect upon publishing and more generally, culture, this chapter is to begin by discussing how counter culture arose in both independent and commercial environments. Subcultures are to be discussed as a prime example of counter cultures, investigation into the theory of identity and how this was formed alongside the development of publishing. Case studies of previous magazines, articles and other materials with the intent of rebelling against mainstream culture. The production, distribution and content of such material is to be analyzed in an attempt to understand the translation from social, political and technological context to product. Counter Culture in all of it’s form are to be discussed and how these adhered to the contexts of their time..

How developments in publishing have influenced culture and subsequent counter culture

Independent and commercial publishing – the differences, limitations, inequality between the two.

How the developments in technology influenced the increase of counter culture.

Designer as author, printing, publisher when technology became accessible

The rise of agenda in publishing due to the ease and accessibility of self-publishing

Public copyright licenses / Subvertising /  Culture Jamming

Recuperation / Detournement / Anti – Art / Dada

How effective has counter culture through publishing been?

Examples of counter culture in print / digital / analogue

How the developments of technology have helped independent publishing therefore the communication of counter culture through the ease of sustaining an online presence, distribution and possibility of audience.

Appropriation of counter culture in mainstream media

Following from previous discussion of technology and it’s impact upon mainstream culture and subsequent communication of counter culture, this chapter is to focus on the relationship between the two. How the mainstream dilutes, subverts and appropriated the aesthetic / approach / products derived from counter culture, and the consequent reaction from counter culture. Examples of this appropriation can easily be found in all visual forms of mainstream culture, primarily I am to focus on this appropriation within Editorial design, advertising and further Graphic Design.

“Selling out”

The idea of cool, attraction and edge are to be discussed in order to understand why counter culture is appropriated and commercialized.

Is there a way of making counter culture a commercial product? Examples and the irony.

Commodification of ideology and subcultural assets

Contemporary Publishing and Counter Culture

The final chapter of the essay is to accumulate all previous discussion into a debate about the contemporary of publishing of counter culture. Building upon the technologies discussed in the initial chapter, the methods discovered in the conversation between publishing, culture and counter culture alongside the previous chapters’ debating of counter culture in a commercial environment are to inform this chapter. Contemporary culture in general is to be discussed in order to contextualize counter culture, ideas such as the loss of stylistic subcultures of previous decades, the influence capitalism and consumerism have and more broadly, technology’s influence upon contemporary culture.

What is now the most efficient method of communicating counter culture

Digital platforms encouraging instant reaction

Social media and counter culture

Instant reaction

Self conscious / intellectual environment

Print / Digital / Analogue (TEDtalks)

Remix theory

Pre Print


Hand written – Controlled distribution

Post Print Pre Screen


Print / Xerox / Mass Print – Physical Distribution

Post Screen

As accessible as ever

Print / Digital / Phone / Handheld – unlimited distribution

Commercial x Independent

How can independent publication keep its edge?

Appropriation by commercial environment

Future of independent publishing

Future consumer

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