Thursday, January 14, 2016

OUGD601 / Context Of Practice / End Of Module Evaluation.

End Of Module Evaluation

I believe the synthesis between research, writing and the practical element to be strong. The investigation and writing not only reflect my aspirations and intentions of my final year of study at Leeds College Of Art but the entirety of my time spent here. The investigation into publishing has been a reflection of my future with the creative industries, more than Graphic Design, this project reflects agenda – driven mentality of mine that has developed considerably and the accumulation of journalistic, direction and design practices.

The project has granted me the ability to network and connect with people that I hope to be standing amongst in the near future. Through working and experiencing the publishing powerhouse DAZED, talking (be it a bit too informally) with MUSHPIT and getting to know LAW my insight into the industry has developed dramatically and for the better of both my practice and fulfillment of general interest.

A ‘eureka’ moment or rightly, a result of the effort put into the project, the practical response DIET excites me. A result I believe has general viability, Context Of Practice 3 has granted me the ability to create something in the real world, more than the closed box of education, the result of COP3 is to be of great focus over the next year (and hopefully longer) in the extended practice modules. The result of the module is exactly that, the context of my future practice.

DIET is not only a result of an obligatory module but has the possibility to achieve a beneficial agenda itself, to dismiss sponsored opinions, to grant the common man the ability to create their own culture, their own DIET.

I believe the written element of the module to be of considerable strength, a result of the arduous amounts of effort put into it however the practical element isn’t as coherently strong. The practical response is the conception and development of the idea, the translation of the idea into a practical response could have been developed further however as planned in the initial presentation of year 3, COP3 is to inform extended practice – not be extended practice. The development and refining of the concept is to define the extended practice module; writing, design and photography are going to focus upon to additively develop DIET into the commercially viable platform I intend it to be.
I do sincerely hope the idea of DIET is communicated to the reader and that they are to share the same excitement as I have experienced developing the project.

Context Of Practice is not the end of my endeavors in research, writing and the translation of the mentioned into practice, COP3 has been a ‘taster’ of postgraduate study in which similar areas of research are to undertaken.

I do have considerable worry of the copyright and intellectual property of the platform’s strategy, as too discussed in the dissertation, my intent of the project is to stay in the ‘underground’ – to be without compromise, if the platform is imitated, it’s unique attributes are tainted. Initial query into the copyright of the idea has suggested problems, the copyright of an idea cannot be granted, only the copyright of a function can be, this is to be considered with great detail before the platform is to become live.

The commercial viability of the project is the greatest threat to the viability and future of the platform, to publish without advertising can be difficult and can be at the expense of considerable sacrifice (Appendix A & B) however initial consideration into start up costs have been considered to minimize such difficulties.

A note on the documentary of the project; the informality of tutorials throughout the project, which lend themselves to a greater depth of discussion, natural development and creativity, has influenced the ability to document the tutorial sessions yet informed my practice beyond greatly. It is worthy to mention the availability and input from Daniel Cookney as of great worth. The number of tutorials far exceeded that of the planned minimum and the development of project has considerably benefitted from such conversation, input and critique.

N.B: The dissertation does not include an acknowledgements page so I would like to acknowledge the input of Daniel Cookney and peers of the BA (Hons) Graphic Design ‘16 of considerable gratitude.

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