Tuesday, January 5, 2016

OUGD601 / Context Of Practice / Practical / DIET - How Does It Work?

How It Works – Consumer POV

Each month a selection (Amount of articles unsure as platform develops) of articles are previewed online:

·      A trio of images from the article are released in order to create excitement, represent the content and to be used as promotional tools on both the website and social media platforms– the use of three images embraces the format of Instagram as well as creating 3 times more opportunity to appeal to potential customer. Images are watermarked with Issue # and logo to ensure reference to platform.
·      A text will accompany the images summarizing the article in a captivating, promotional, enticing sense while noting contributors.

A consumer can then curate their selection of articles as well as other customizable features such as cover image (to be developed upon with time) and name/ message.

·      The amount of articles a consumer can curate is limited to a specific number (number will grow with development of business dependent on viability) in order to keep a constant price point and consistent advertising space per issue.

The curation of content is then printed according to selection using a variable data printing process.

·      The narrative of articles within print is to adhere to a system of article # first to last.


The curation of articles is sent via PDF to the consumer in a format specifically design for optimum digital viewing experience.

·      The PDF option is available at a reduced rate as print and distribution costs are transcended.

How It Works – Contributor POV

Each month a theme is set (i.e a social agenda such as ‘The Gender Gap’) in which the content of the issue is to be focused upon. The majority of content is contributor created however a selection of articles will be created by CHEST. Contributors download a contributor pack in which a pitch including any images or a complete article are attached.

·      The pitch or complete article will be selected on it’s merit of professionalism, tone of voice, relevance and quality. If this process was not undertaken and every contribution was published, the quality of the platform would suffer constant jeopardy – every contribution will be considered and worked upon in order to minimalize such.

Once the issue’s selection of articles goes live, the contributor is paid in correlation to the amount of times the article is selected by a consumer.

·      Similar to that of music royalties, income is commissioned based and finalized at the end of the issue’s availability online.

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