Monday, January 4, 2016

OUGD601 / Context Of Practice / Further writing / Counter Culture's style

The concept of style was to play a great role in the communication of counter culture, specifically subcultures and their attributes within visual communication. Counter culture is conceived from dissatisfaction with the mainstream, the popular culture, in this sense, every subculture is an example of counter culture; the unnaceptance of the mainstream. Counter[KW1]  culture is, just as subcultures are, an ideology, which is to be represented through communication. The tools to communicate this ideology can be studied in order to determine how technology has influenced this communication. This writing is primarily going to focus on the translation of counter culture into the publishing of editorial practice, predominantly starting in the 70’s to the contemporary, although discussion of the development of technology which has influenced and dictated visual communication is to be discussed amongst earlier examples of counter culture and the development of culture capital.

Examples of the appropriation relate independent publications and music well; in this case, punk. To dissect punk is start with an ideology and then investigate how this ideology was translated in various mediums, music predominantly, fashion, behavior amongst other communications, visual and audial, of the ideology. 

Technologies, such as print, digital and their distribution methods themselves depend upon resources, time and money predominantly, although skillsets and accessibility are also considerable factors in relation to the form of visual communication. As mentioned previously, the use of blue course paper by peasants in the production of chapbooks or the Punks using a cut and paste process to reduce production costs, as well as communicating a subversive message, evidence this dependence upon resource and resources dictating production and consequently, visual communication.

Every subculture forms an aesthetic, a way to identify and acknowledge fellow peers, to be united evidently by appearance; ideology cannot be evident unless translated visually. The origin of a subculture’s ideology will be dictated by context, the political, social and ethical issues of the time:

“To ignore the obvious connections between the Punk phenomenon and economic and social inequalities in Great Britain would be to deny the validity of the philosophical underpinnings of the movement consisting of underprivileged working-class white youths. Many of them felt their social situation deeply and used the medium of Punk to express their dissatisfaction” (Young, T, 1989 p8 cited in O’Hara, 1999 p 26-27)

In this sense, context dictates visual communication, through a chain of interpretations, from the physic to physical; Context dictates ideology, which is then communicated through adherence to the technologies and resources available at the time to the individual or collective in accumulation to inform visual communication.

The authorship granted to the common man and specifically, subculture and the counter culture inclined, by the accessibility of publishing technologies allowed self-expression of such ideologies, publishing was used as a tool to communicate ideology[KW2]  authorship destabilizes oppressive, anonymous texts while legitimizing text to be used a tool to communicate agenda.

Context – Ideology – Resources – Technology = Visual Language

 [KW1]Hebdige / etc

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