Friday, May 15, 2015

OUGD501 / Context Of Practice / Development

Unlike the rational process of Modernist principles, I thought this to be ironic if I were to complete the brief in this manner.

Modernist principles dictate that I create the form of the book through its desired function.
This is a contemporary practice, I am to embrace this, produce work with expression through natural communication, I am not searching for a optimal efficiency, I intend capture my individuality and not hide behind the work.


Embracing Contemporary Design means embracing technology, I originally intended to print this publication, this would have been an irony. Applying the restrictions of print to my own practice seems unintelligible, without the intent of print I can embrace the benefits of technology:

A larger colour spectrum: RGB compared to CMYK.

Not to be restricted by the restraints of print or create a unjustified aura around the work by doing so is the contemporary practice. This publication is temporary, it is my expression of the current moment. I do not want it to become of more value than it is because it has a physical, tactile element.

The limitations and negatives of Stock, Finish, Size and Binding are all limitations I do not need to subject my practice to.

Creating a publication for the digital realm is the most appropriate format, it mirrors the viewing of the contemporary visual stimulants (Mentioned in essay: Digital platforms are the new art galleries)

It is appropriate to imitate the form of a book within this digital publication as this frames the concept of my practice, without this framing, a re-design of 'The New Typography' would not be clear enough; I need this imitation to hold the initial layer of signification; it is a book.

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